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EBS Easy English 2021년 3월 8일 - Greg Brown has COVID-19

EBS Easy English 2021년 3월 8일 - Greg Brown has COVID-19

A : Did you hear?
    Greg Brown has Cobid-19.
    그렉 브라운이 코로나 확진자래.
B : Where did he catch the coronavirus from?
    어디서 코로나에 감염됐데?
A : He said that he had no idea.
    모르겠다고 하더라고.
    He told me that he had been really careful.
    정말 조심했다고 했거든.
B : Are they going to take him to a treatment center?
    치료 센터로 데리고 가는거야?
A : That's what I heard. 
    그렇게 들었어.


Are they going to ~ ?
그들이 ~ 할건가?

Are they going to take him to a treatment center?
치료 센터로 데리고 가는 거야?

Are they going to send us a new contract?
우리한테 새로운 계약서를 보내 줄 건가?

Are they going to cancel the event?
그 행사를 취소할 건가?

Level Up Expression!

I never expected that to happen.
그런 일이 일어나리라고는 꿈에도 생각 못 했어.

Book In Book Project!

at + 장소, 위치 : ~에서

Are you at home?
너 집에 있어?

I was at the cafe.
나 카페에 있었는데.

What time will you arrive at the airport?
너 공항에 몇 시에 도착해?

We're having dinner at a Korean restaurant.
우리 한식집에서 저녁 먹고 있어.